Mohamed M. Farag

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I’m currently a Doctoral student at the University of Bonn, my focus is on developing methods and techniques that tackle the challenges of uncertainty estimation and explainability within Deep Learning models for Crops monitoring.

My journey, spanning diverse disciplines, has profoundly encouraged me to venture into the realms of Deep Learning across various domains. This exploration led me to the field of Medicine, which held a special place in my heart during my MSc. thesis. Eagerness to learn is a constant driving force in my life. I’m always enthusiastic about expanding my horizons, as I believe in the complementary nature of science, where fields, in the end, are connected somehow.

My research focuses on Applied AI across various domains, with a primary emphasis on computer vision applications in Crop monitoring and Medicine. Link to your favorite subreddit. You can put a picture in, too. The code is already in, just name your picture prof_pic.jpg and put it in the img/ folder.

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Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
Nov 07, 2015 A long announcement with details
Oct 22, 2015 A simple inline announcement.

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  1. Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?
    A. EinsteinB. Podolsky ,  and  N. Rosen
    Phys. Rev., May 1935